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Homemade Dry Meat

Image Credit : thehoneycombers
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 4 hours 37 minutes
Total Time 4 hours 57 minutes


  • 600 gm Ground chicken
  • 2 tbsp Soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp Sesame oil
  • 4 tbsp Huadiao wine
  • 2 tbsp Fish sauce
  • 1 tbsp Five-spice powder
  • ½ tbsp Salt
  • 130 g Fine sugar


  • Put all seasonings After all is mixed, stir until it becomes sticky, then cover with plastic wrap and put it in the ice kitchen to marinate and refrigerate overnight (at least 2 hours of crispness).
  • After marinating, take a plastic bag and save a proper amount of minced chicken. Slowly flatten, then roll flat. Put it in the sun for 2 hours.
  • Suggested time for air fryer: preheat for 180°C, 5 minutes, bake for 15 minutes (turn over for 8 minutes and continue to bake for 7 minutes).
  • Spread some honey and bake for 1-2 minutes.
    Note: Because the heat of each air fryer is different, some people's air fryer will burn quickly, it is recommended to check every few minutes..